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Hot chocolate

          What is more delicious than an Italian hot chocolate? Nothing I guess. But do we have to travel all the way to Italy to taste it? No, not really. Today we brought you the original recipe for the Italian hot chocolate. I hope you enjoy making it. 


Time allocated 20 min 

It can prepare up to 5 cups.

Hot chocolate


What does it contain? 
  • 360ml of Milk ( half skimmed ) 
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar 
  • 8g cocoa powder( 1 tablespoon ) 
  • 115 g of dark chocolate (optional, you can use other kinds )  
  • One, 5 tablespoon of corn-starch. 


How to make it?

        Before starting, you should bear in mind that we are preparing two mixtures, one of the cornstarch and the other of the cocoa.   


        First, take the dark chocolate and cut it into small pieces, using a knife. Then, in a small cup, put the cornstarch (one and a half tablespoon ), add a half cup of milk(120 ml) to it. Stir them together using a spoon until they are smooth.


       In another iron container, put the cocoa powder, the sugar, pinch of salt, and a cup of milk (230 ml) all together on a low fire. Whisk all the ingredients until you see a clearer layer on top of the mixture or when it starts to make small bubbles. Here, add the cornstarch mixture and whisk rapidly the two mixtures as one. As you whisk it, you will notice that the mixture is getting thicker and thicker. At this moment, you need to turn off the fire and add the chocolate that you have already cut. 


Move all the ingredients together, make sure that you do not have any cornstarch bubbles in the hot chocolate because it would be very annoying as you enjoy your it. To solve this problem, you can pass your mixture through a tea strainer to filter all the bubbles away.


        Pour it in a cup of coffee let it cool for 2 min then add some whipped cream on top and sprinkle some cocoa powder on top. 


That is it. Easy, ha? I hope you like it.

