How to prepare “Tiramisu” at home?
Today, we are going to prepare an easy to make a recipe for the beginner cooks around the world. We going to try to make it sure to simplify the step by step and use ingredients that are easy to find in any shop. So, what are we waiting for? Let’s start!
What is needed?
- 15 oz of lady's fingers (450 g )
- 5 / 6 eggs ( it depends on their size )
- 1 cup of espresso
- 125 g of sugar
- 500g mascarpone cheese
- 100 g unsweetened cocoa powder
- Chocolate flakes ( optional )
How to prepare it?
Before starting, it is preferable to use 3 vessels while separating the egg whites and yolks, simply to have a clean work. Like this:
- Put the eggs in one vessel, when you break the egg, put the whites in the second vessel and the yolks in another.
First, you need 3 vessels, to separate the egg whites and the yolks. Add half of the sugar to the egg yolks, and then use an electronic whisk to beat them well, until the sugar melts into the yolks. Here, add the mascarpone cheese, beat them all together very well until the mixture gains a clearer color.
In another vessel, put the egg whites. You have to use an electronic whisk, beat the egg whites very well for about 7 to 8 min until it becomes white and fluffy like a cloudy thing.
Now take some of the whipped egg whites and add it gradually to the mascarpone mixture; mix it slowly so that it doesn’t fall. Now that we have all the elements prepared, let’s do it.
In a dish, put a layer of the mixture, a thin one. So that when you put the lady's fingers they will not move. Then soak the ladyfingers biscuits in the espresso, and put them one after the other to make a biscuit layer. After that, cover the biscuit with a thick layer of the mixture on the entire surface. You can add some chocolate. Also, another layer of biscuits and a last one of the mixture.
In the end spared some cocoa powder on top. You have to put it in the fridge to chill for about 30 min. finally, serve it alone or with some cappuccino.
Some tips:
ü Make sure to use the eggs while they are warm, not directly taken from the fridge.
ü You have to use the electronic whisk. You cannot substitute with the manual one. Otherwise, you will get neither the creamy texture nor the volume needed.
ü While trying to cut the tiramisu, try to pass the knife in water, so that you get a clean; clear cut.
That’s it for our recipe today, hope you try it and like it. Don’t hesitate to leave your questions in the comments below.
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