Quesadillas !!
We are always in a rush in this fast world, so what’s better than a homemade pie that takes only 10 min. it is worthy to mention that, the ingredients included are available at any house and the recipe is so easy, even a beginner can do it blindly. so let’s start.
Time of preparation:10 min
It will prepare 2 medium pies, that can be cut into the half resulting in 4 parts that are sufficient for 4 people.
The things you need?
First, “the dough” ingredients :
- A medium cup of milk.
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 1 teaspoon of baking powder
- ¼ cup of oil
- One-half cup of flour.
Second, for “the filling” you are going to need the following ingredients :
It is optional, but to have the original Mexican flavor, you may want to buy the readymade Quesadillas’ spices. They are available almost in all the stores.
- The spices are cumin, paprika, oregano, salt, cayenne, onion, pepper, and pepper; use a teaspoon of each one.
- 250 g of the chicken quesadilla.
- 1 Onion ( medium ).
- 2 Garlic.
- 2 Tomato.
- 50 g of Olives.
- Cheese.
- Mozzarella.
How to prepare it?
First, to prepare the “dough”, heat the cup of milk until it becomes warm, warm. not hot! Then pour it in a vessel. Add the baking powder, sugar, and the oil, cover it with a piece of cloth for 2 min.
Salt and flour are to be added at this level. Mix it gradually until you have a smooth dough ;
like the one of pizza. Finally,
form it in 4 balls. ( like the image below )
let the dough rest, and let’s prepare the filling.
Heat the pan on a low fire, meanwhile; cut the chicken in small cubes, and season it with spices. Also, cut the onion, garlic, and tomato and put them in the pan. Move it every once and then. when you see that their texture is getting loose add the chicken cubes. mix all the ingredients until they are well cooked.
Let’s put the dough and filling together.
It can be done in many ways, ; the first one is :
Spread one ball on the table, in a form of a circle. Then put some of the cheese t some of the filling and some mozzarella cheese. After that cover it with the second circle. and close the edges using the fork. ( see the image )
The second: you can spread one ball, in a form of a circle, put the filling on the half of it. Then flip the other side to cover it. ( see the image to understand more).
Before you put it on the pan; make sure to pour 1 tablespoon of olive oil or butter. it is recommended to put it on low fire, then medium.
Try to move it continuously, so that all the surface will have a brown crispy texture.
Well, that’s it, for the homemade quesadilla. hope you enjoy it! you can have it at brunch or lunch with soup.
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